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An Item-Set Skill (ISS) is a spell that can be extracted from a Complete set of gear.
The first ISS can be used around level 55. Once a complete set is collected,
the set's spell can be extracted by Tatsy Turnball in Dalanis.
Skills from the item-set cannot be extracted again.

**** Item Set Skill Gear Drops In The Hardest Level of Mostr Instances ****

Hall of Survivors ISS Gear Sets (Level 55)

Zurhidon Stronghold/Hall of the Demon Lord ISS Gear Sets (Level 55)

Warnorken Arena ISS Gear Sets (Level 58)

Raksha Temple ISS Gear Sets (Level 60)

Grafu Castle ISS Gear Sets (Level 65)

Sardo Castle ISS Gear Sets (Level 67)

Tomb of the Seven Hero's ISS Gear Sets (Level 70)

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